Thursday, July 2, 2009

Surprise in Wonderland (4)

Noticing surface changes when coming to the UK was easy because it threw me out of my everyday habits. At first the changes were just little things that annoyed me; like, the front door handle is always on the left side when in America it's always on the right. The toilets are really different but I have used English toilets so much I don't even remember what is so different anymore. American toilets flush better at least. Riding on the left side of the road is a little uncomfortable at times and I haven't seen any law enforcement vehicles at all, just police walking around in the city. This could explain why the British drive like mad people. Although on the contrary I haven't seen any road side accidents or even a close call. This confuses me.

Public transportation is golden. They also constantly push recycling, printing it on bags and bottles. The UK being an older country than America understands the importance of making the most of their resources. If America is frugal with their resources now we will of course be better off in the future. Melissa was talking to a lady on the train and the lady explained that England's natural coal resources are pretty much gone.

I feel like "Alice in Wonderland". I wake up in a strange place with (at the time) strange people. I go exploring and observing the different cultures, types of people, traditions and law. I can even go as far to say that I explored time/history and the periods/symbolism's that they brought. I really feel that this has changed me. Novelty here is not necessarily more exciting but my fascination with the Medieval/Romantic way of living makes it more exciting on a personal level. It's quite irritating when people ask me about New York or Las Vegas and I have to reply that I have never been. It's a burden on my part that I haven't really explored my home country to it's full potential but yet I'm aching to get outside too see everything else. Quite a contradiction, it's the Byron in me.

Caterpillar: Who are YOU?

Alice: ... I -- I hardly know, sir, just at present -- at least I know who I was when I got up this morning, but I think I must have been changed several times since then.

Coming to the UK is comparatively a small step to many other countries that I hope to one day visit: Mongolia, New Zealand, Zambia, Austria, Germany etc... but I want my eyes to constantly be aware of change be able to adapt myself for the better.

But then, shall I never get any older than I am now? That'll be a comfort, one way -- never to be an old woman -- but then -- always to have lessons to learn!


  1. Things are different here but your ability to befriend strangers helped navigate us through some sticky situations. I am thankful to have met someone who is so open to new experiences because I too,felt out of place in our new surroundings. You can adapt to change so well and I admire that in you!!

  2. I love love love your Alice quotes: very insightful. You make a great point about remembering to keep your eyes open. So often, in familiar places, our "eyes" start to close. I hope you can return to familiar places with your new open eyes.

  3. Tashie, I can't help but tear up reading this. It's just such a beautiful thought, but it really is why i love you. Your Alice in Wonderland comparison is how I have always viewed you to be. And I just feel like the rabbit who is always "late for a very important date".
