New blogger here and I have 22 years of experiences to blog about as of right now. I guess I have a lot of catching up to do. I was born in Cincinnati, Ohio under a December sky to the best mother a being could ask for (human or not). I have lived a simple life in my opinion but I have had a lot of experiences that make me a very open minded person.
I look at things so objectively that sometimes I don't even have my own opinions which I am bitter sweet about. I was home schooled until 9th grade, went to a Christian private school from where I received my diploma and I presently attend the University of Cincinnati, Raymond Walters. My focus is in Communication Design which is graphic and web design. I fear that I might have wasted a lot of money. I don't care about the technical of anything really, I think I'm more of an organic person but that will be a different blog.
My theory about life in short would be to love people and to let everyone that I come in contact with affect me for the better. I love to understand people, religion, emotion and freedom. I enjoy history, art, music and movies. I consider myself a learned photographer but not fully developed and I hope to never reach that point in my career. I also work in the camera department for a film company called CutThroat Entertainment. It's incredibly exciting and is a dream job. I have been very busy this week trying to do my not so fun job as a nurse aid, go to school and then drive to Columbus 3 days out of the week to work on our new film (which is premiering in August). I am also leaving in less than a month to do a study abroad trip with my school to the UK. This will be one of the greatest experiences of my life and I have been such a mass of adrenaline.
Traveling is one of my life passions. I have an intense burden on my shoulders to travel. I have been to Mexico twice which changed my life dramatically and I hope to travel the rest of world in my little time here called life. There are so many things in life I want to do, I already feel pressed for time. This is me in a tea cup and as I go on through this blog telling my experiences and emotions you'll hopefully get to know the keg of me.